Gender Persecution in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Andrea Richardson, Khosro Isfahani
Publication Date
January 14, 2025
Publication Type
Conflict, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law, Investigations Program


This report, “Gender Persecution in the Islamic Republic of Iran: An Open Source Investigation by the Iran Digital Archive Coalition,” is one in a series analyzing human rights violations and international crimes committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran or IRI or Islamic Republic) in its brutal crackdown on Woman, Life, Freedom protesters. Each investigation is largely based on open source information that has been preserved as part of the Iranian Archive — a repository of digital content that has been forensically preserved for use in future accountability efforts. Each report in this series focuses on a different set of violations, and together they make visible some of the harms suffered by Iranian protesters in their demands for freedom and respect for their human rights.

The goal of this report includes the identification, verification, and analysis of open source information that supports elements of the crime against humanity of persecution on the basis of gender. The analysis is intended to demonstrate how open source information can be collected and analyzed to support future accountability for the crime against humanity of gender persecution. All digital investigative methods that contributed to this report were guided by the Berkeley Protocol on Digital Open Source Investigations.