Technology Solutions for Advancing Human Rights in Global Supply Chains

Jesse Nishinaga, Faris Natour
Publication Date
June 20, 2019
Publication Type


Despite growing efforts by business, investors, civil society, and policy makers over the past two decades, workers in global supply chains continue to experience human rights abuses. While conditions have improved in some industries, the absence of robust regulatory intervention and enforcement have opened the door for private sector interventions, including the use of technology solutions, to empower and safeguard the rights of workers and enable suppliers and companies to respect human rights and provide access to effective remedies. The challenge, however, is that many, if not most, of these technology solutions have yet to achieve the needed scale and impact. This landscape assessment provides substantial evidence of a significant market and global demand for technology solutions aimed at addressing human rights risks and challenges in global supply chains. Today, hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on these technology solutions or are being invested in emerging technologies that may someday bring game-changing opportunities for millions of workers around the world.