The Graves: Srebrenica And Vukovar

Eric Stover, Gilles Peress
Publication Date
January 1, 1998
Publication Type


This book is the harrowing account by Eric Stover, with photographs by Gilles Peress, of how Haglund began to piece together the victims’ identities and the terrible ways they died. Over 40,000 Muslim refugees were living in and around Srebrenica when it fell to the Serbs, under General Ratko Mladic in July 1995. Of the men who fled, or were rounded up by Serb troops, many were never seen again. Stover talks to the surviving families, women and children including the women of Srebrenica still clinging to the hope that their men are alive even as Haglund’s investigations prove otherwise. Mladic has since been charged with crimes of genocide. But Stover identifies a lack of political will to arrest the criminals and bring them to trial. Until then, justice will not have been done.