Family and Me (FAM): A New Model of Foster Care for Youth Impacted by Commercial Sexual Exploitation in San Francisco (Evaluation 2)

Julie Freccero, Audrey Taylor, Joanna Ortega
Publication Date
November 16, 2021
Publication Type
Health and Human Rights Program, Public Health


This report summarizes evaluation findings from March – August 2021 during the service provision phase of the Family and Me (FAM) program, a family-based foster care pilot designed to serve youth who have experienced or are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) in San Francisco, California, and who are currently involved in the child welfare or probation systems. The findings are primarily based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 13 direct and indirect service providers participating in the FAM program. The goal of these interviews was to gain a better understanding of program strengths, challenges, and lessons learned during this evaluation period. Additional findings from three interviews with two caregivers, as well as caregiver training surveys with four caregivers, are also included. This report is the second in a series of evaluation reports with the goal of offering recommendations to adapt and improve the program throughout pilot implementation. It is hoped that, when completed, the series will contribute to addressing gaps in the existing literature on the effectiveness of interventions to address CSE among youth and help to build a foundation of evidence-based practice.