A student presents a powerpoint with other students watching on.

Student Fellowship

Providing training and funding so students can contribute their expertise to support human rights worldwide

Building Tomorrow’s Leaders

The student fellowship program is the longest legacy of the Human Rights Center. Our fellowships provide opportunities for students to pursue meaningful human rights work domestically and internationally. Students from UC Berkeley, partner campuses UC Merced, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and the Cal Graduate Theological Union are eligible to participate in this program. Selected fellows will carry out clearly defined fieldwork with organizations working on human rights issues related to a student’s area of interest. Applicants must plan to spend at least 8 weeks full time or its equivalent part-time working with a partner organization to qualify for the fellowship. 

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide students with an opportunity to contribute to an organization’s work while also gaining practical experience that may influence their area of research, academic focus, or career trajectory. Partnerships with both non-governmental and governmental organizations are acceptable. Multi-disciplinary approaches to human rights fieldwork are welcomed.  

The Human Rights Center thanks the law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe for contributing sponsorship to our fellowship conference.


Fellowships awarded over 30 years


Organizations fellows have worked with


Countries & territories where fellows have worked

A silhouetted person looks out at a landscape at dusk/twilight.

This fellowship was the best experience I ever had in my entire time at UC Berkeley. It’s been truly life changing. I feel so grateful to have had this opportunity. I truly can’t overstate how amazing it was.”

— 2023 HRC Student Fellow

Program Staff

Portrait of a man smiling

Alexey Berlind

Associate Director, Student Fellowship and Events

Human Rights Center


People sit around a table. They appear to be in conversation.

March 21, 2025

On the ground with UC Berkeley Public Health’s Bhavya Joshi in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp

HRC in the News — UC Public Health: “Reaching the furthest behind, first:” On the ground with UC Berkeley Public Health’s Bhavya Joshi in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp, a feature on

Palestinians walking amid the rubble of destroyed buildings

April 29, 2024

International prosecution of Israeli or Hamas leaders wouldn’t bring quick justice − and even bringing them to court will be difficult

Palestinians walk amid the rubble of destroyed buildings in Nuseirat, Gaza, on April 29, 2024. AFP via Getty Images Student Fellowship in the News — The Conversation:

A young man sits and looks off-camera, there are two other people closer to the camera that are not in focus.

December 12, 2023

Fighting Uphill Battles, Human Rights Center Student Fellows Stay Resolute in Their Work

Spotlighting 2022 fellow alumnus and keynote speaker Anthony Ghaly and 2023 fellow Maria Fernanda Quintero Sirtori.

Human Rights Center fellow, Anthony Ghaly.

December 19, 2022

Rare Feat: Berkeley Law Students Present Their Research at Major International Forum

Human Rights Center fellow, Anthony Ghali. HRC in the News — Berkeley Law: Rare Feat: Berkeley Law Students Present Their Research at Major

Net positive? Paul Salomone, a fisheries management biologist, samples herring to help determine whether the fishery should be opened for the day. (Nathaniel Wilder)

August 29, 2022

This Tiny Fish Holds Together Ecosystems and Cultures—It’s Also Under Threat, The Nation, written and reported by 2021 student fellow Brett Simpson

Student Fellowship Alumni — The Nation: This Tiny Fish Holds Together Ecosystems and Cultures—It’s Also Under Threat, The Nation, written and reported by 2021 student fellow Brett