A man smiles at the camera. He has glasses, grey hair, and a mustache.

Eric Stover

Co-Faculty Director

Human Rights Center


Eric Stover is Co-Faculty Director of the Human Rights Center and Research Professor of Law at UC Berkeley. With forensic anthropologist Clyde Snow, Stover launched the first forensic investigations of the disappeared in Central and South America.  In 1985, he participated in the forensic investigation of the remains of the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in São Paulo, Brazil. In the 1990s, he served on several medico-legal investigations as an “Expert on Mission” to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He also conducted the first research on the social and medical consequences of land mines in Cambodia and other post-war countries. His research helped launch the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines, which received the Nobel Prize in 1997. He conducted a survey of mass graves throughout Rwanda for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 1995 which provided lead evidence on several high-level accused. He serves as an Expert to the International Commission on Missing Persons and the Board of Directors of DNA Bridge. Stover has co-produced several BBC and PBS documentaries, including “The Search for the Disappeared in Argentina,” “Dead Reckoning:  War, Crime, and Justice from World War II to the War on Terror,” and “Tulsa:  The Fire and the Forgotten.” Click here to download Eric Stover’s CV.


  • Health and Human Rights: Law 264.6, Public Health 211, with Rohini Haar
  • Human Rights Research and Practice, Legal Studies 154, with Alexa Koenig
  • Human Rights and Social Justice Writing Workshop (Law 262.65), with Carolyn “Patty” Blum and Alexa Koenig
  • Human Rights and War Crimes Investigations (L262.68), with Alexa Koenig
  • International Human Rights Law Clinic (L295.5H)
  • Advanced International Human Rights Law Clinic (L295.HI)
  • Perpetrators, Victims, and Bystanders:  Justice After Mass Atrocity (L262.9)
  • On Trial: Prosecuting Genocide and Sexual Violence in International Tribunals (L264.9)